Terms & Definitions

Abiding Life Dictionary of Terms

A believer is to know Jesus as Savior and Lord in “thought.” But he is also to have experiential knowledge of embracing Christ’s life within, which will give the believer the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and manifestations of the works of God. This reality must include a rich understanding of the Bible's terms & definitions. Each believer must be willing to grow in that Truth!

IM Terms & Definitions Course Curriculum

Biblical Communication Starts With Definitions

    1. IM Worldview Institute

    2. Intellectual Rights

    3. Student Walkthrough

    4. About Your Instructor

    5. The Intentional Student

    6. Time to Donate

    1. Exchanged

    2. History of Hudson Taylor

    3. Christ Follower (Part 1)

    4. Indwelt Christian (Part 2)

    5. Preface Assessment

    1. Terms & Definitions (A-C)

    2. Terms Assessment (A-C)

    3. Terms & Definitions (D-F)

    4. Terms & Definitions Assessment

    1. Terms & Definitions (G-I)

    2. Terms Assessment (G-I)

    3. Terms & Definitions (J-O)

    4. Terms Assessment (J-O)

    1. Terms & Definitions (P-S)

    2. Terms Assessment (P-S)

    3. Terms & Definitions (T-Y)

    4. Terms Assessment (T-Y)

    1. Content Preface

    2. Topic Terms & Definitions (1)

    3. Topic Terms & Definitions (2)

    4. Essay Assessment

    5. IM Spiritual Worldview

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Value Course

The IM Chancellor has spent years researching the organic definitions of Biblical terms. He considers this a "must attend" course for all "new & used" students of the Word.