CLW098-A | Why Enroll In This Institute
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)CLW098-A | This course details the ideologies, definitions, methods & philosophies of the Identity Matters Worldview Institute & Online School.
IM Annual Membership
BundleUnlimited courses with IM Annual Student Membership. Best deal in the Institute + you are helping your school grow! Donate annually & receive a full ride.
$175 / year
CLWo99-B | Identity Matters Overview
Course3.3 average rating (3 reviews)Identity Matters Overview is an introductory course of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the "Exchanged Life."
CLW100 | Identity Matters Terms & Definitions
CourseIdentity Matters Terms & Definitions | This course is for the intentional student. It is a theological study on the terms of the Abiding Life in Christ.
CLW102 | Identity Matters Flagship Course
Course4.5 average rating (2 reviews)Identity Matters Full Online Course: An experiential embrace, and an understanding, of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the Exchanged Life.
The End Times | Brewing Storm
CourseTHE END TIMES | THE BREWING STORM: This course will reveal a well-balanced Biblical view of the End Times. Discover & review twenty+ chapters detailing the primary themes of the End Times through videos & printed content from Dr. Phinney's book.