Saving Our Children

The Enemy Tries To Steal The Minds of Our Children


    Did you know that an average child spends 5-7 hours a day on a device? The enemy does & he is using this modality to program the minds of our children.


    Few parents understand that the method of their parenting, or lack of it, has a major impact on their children's future - how they think, behave & believe.


    The Identity Thief uses peace - peace but in God's reality, there is no peace. He uses technology & parental rejection to manipulate the child into a pluralism.

Saving Our Children

Understanding Cultural Attacks

IM Institute Presents, Saving Our Children. This course addresses the issue of culture & children - revealing the enemy's attempt to steal the hearts of our children. This is a "flagship" course detailing the strategies & deception the enemy uses to capture the minds of our children from birth forward, through technology, parental rejection & the "fake-peace" our post-truth culture offers today!
Saving Our Children

Saving Our Children Course Curriculum

Standing Between The Enemy & Our Children

  • 1
    CLW102 Introduction
  • 2
    Welcome To Saving Our Children
  • 3
    Chapter #1 | Childhood Deceptions
    • Childhood Deceptions PDF
    • Childhood Deceptions Lecture
    • Test Your IM Learning
  • 4
    Chapter #2 | Childhood Manipulation
    • Childhood Manipulation PDF
    • Childhood Manipulation Lecture
    • Test Your IM Learning (2)
  • 5
    Chapter #3 | Childhood Manipulation (Part 2)
    • Childhood Manipulation PDF-2
    • Childhood Manipulation Lecture (Part 2)
    • Test Your IM Learning (3)
  • 6
    Chapter #4 | Childhood Rejection
    • Childhood Rejection PDF
    • Childhood Rejection Lecture
    • Test Your IM Learning (4)
  • 7
    Chapter #5 | Forms of Rejection
    • Forms of Rejection PDF
    • Forms of Rejection Lecture
  • 8
    Next steps
    • More Resources
    • Final Course Assessment
    • Saving The Children Certificate

IM Value Course

Saving Our Children should be a priority for all indwelt believers. Today's children are tomorrows teachers, preachers & even leaders of our nation. Consider "jumping into" this course!