7-Areas of Life Applications

Increasingly, we find discipling to be perhaps the most important aspect of the normal Christian life! It is reinforcing, establishing, and building that which ensures permanent changes in the life of all true born-again believers. If discipleship is like the world’s form of psychological counseling, it would only focus on “problem-solving,” which has no transformational multiplying factors. This course will reveal, and unfold, how the identity Truths in Christ apply to the Seven Areas of Life - spiritual, psychological, physical, social, marital, parental & financial. Enjoy!

7-Areas Of Life Course Curriculum

Identity In Christ In All Areas Of Life Is Everything

    1. IM Worldview Institute

    2. Introductory Video

    3. 7-Areas of Life

    4. Intellectual Rights Agreement

    5. Instructor Bio

    6. Course Syllabus

    7. Order Your eBook

    8. Time to Donate

    1. Student Walkthrough

    2. Opening Lecture

    3. Opening Lecture Assessment

    1. eBook Read #1

    2. Life Process Assessment

    1. Authentic Assessment

    1. eBook Read #3

    2. Embrace the Author Assessment

    1. eBook Read #4

    2. Physical Area Lecture

    3. Questions For Discipleship

    4. Physical Area Assessment

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 51 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Value Course

This course details the simple methods of applying the truths of the Exchanged Life (Not I, but Christ) to each of the Seven Areas of Life - spiritual, psychological, physical, social, marital, parental & financial.