Christ At Work In You

This Is Not Cheep Grace

The superficiality of our culture has permeated the mind-set of the Western church. The “cheap grace”1 that Bonhoeffer warned about has fostered an “easy- believism” that has allowed a superficial assent to Christianity that requires no real change or sacrifice. In a culture that advocates “safe sex,” we have similarly developed a “safe” form of Christianized religion wherein no one is responsible for his actions. There is no doubt that God hates this farcical masquerade of role-playing, for it is totally alien to the dynamic reality of the living Lord Jesus manifesting His life in receptive Christian people.

Christ At Work In You Course Curriculum

Discover The Process Of Christ Working In The Believer

    1. Work Of Christ Video

    2. Past & Present PDF

    3. Chapter #1 Assessment

    4. Student Overview

    1. Bring Your Stuff Video

    2. Sinful Patterns PDF

    3. Chapter #2 Assessment

    4. Student Overview

    1. Meet The New You Video

    2. Positive Swallows Up Negative PDF

    3. Chapter #3 Assessment

    4. Student Overview

    1. Dealing With The Law Video

    2. Attempting To Deal With Sin PDF

    3. Chater #4 Assessment

    4. Student Overview

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 37 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

IM Value Course

This is not only one of the Chancellor's favorite theologians, but one of his favorite courses. Consider enrolling today! You won't regret it. It's practical, theological and Biblically sound.