The Four Steps

Evangelizing A Pluralistic Culture

First and foremost, the Biblical worldview says emphatically there is a God who has created all things in Heaven and earth. Think about it for a moment. The evolutionist is always searching for how to describe the origin and development of life in purely quasi-scientific or materialistic terms. He completely dismisses any notion of a Creator God and thus is forced to come to ridiculous and preposterous assumptions, unsubstantiated by proof. CLW177 | 4-Steps reveal Dr. Graham's objective.
The Four Steps

The Four Steps Course Curriculum

Revealing The Enemy's Assumptions

  • 1
    Instructions To 4-Steps
    • Intellectual Rights
    • How To Use The Course Page
  • 2
    A Personal Story | Faith
    • Franklin Graham Bio
    • Faith In Christ
    • A Biblical Worldview
    • Called Into Ministry
    • Are You Called Assessment
  • 3
    The 4-Steps
    • STEP ONE
    • STEP TWO
    • Tell Us Your Story
  • 4
    Some Final Things
    • Who Is Jesus?
    • Basics Of Christianity Gift
    • You Need These Resources
    • Before you go...
    • 4-Steps IM Certificate PDF

IM Gift to Students

Dr. Graham brings a Biblical Worldview that is simple, straight forward & packed with simple steps to know Christ in you, while battling a slipping culture.