The Four Steps

Evangelizing A Pluralistic Culture

First and foremost, the Biblical worldview says emphatically there is a God who has created all things in Heaven and earth. Think about it for a moment. The evolutionist is always searching for how to describe the origin and development of life in purely quasi-scientific or materialistic terms. He completely dismisses any notion of a Creator God and thus is forced to come to ridiculous and preposterous assumptions, unsubstantiated by proof. CLW177 | 4-Steps reveal Dr. Graham's objective.

The Four Steps Course Curriculum

Revealing The Enemy's Assumptions

    1. Intellectual Rights

    2. How To Use The Course Page

    1. Franklin Graham Bio

    2. Faith In Christ

    3. A Biblical Worldview

    4. Called Into Ministry

    5. Are You Called Assessment

    1. STEP ONE

    2. STEP TWO


    4. STEP FOUR

    5. Tell Us Your Story

    1. Who Is Jesus?

    2. Basics Of Christianity Gift

    3. You Need These Resources

    4. Before you go...

    5. 4-Steps IM Certificate PDF

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

Dr. Graham brings a Biblical Worldview that is simple, straight forward & packed with simple steps to know Christ in you, while battling a slipping culture.