What Agnostics Want

The Arrogance of Mankind

Agnostics are not only misguided, but they are also arrogant, i.e. if God is not definable by mankind’s scientific method, then God doesn’t exist. By this standard of methodology, even if God could be proven, He wouldn’t be qualified to be God since the supreme seat in the universe is already occupied by science. Join me in this course as I define agnosticism.

What Agnostics Want Course Curriculum

Arrogance Of Mankind

    1. Donate Instructions

    1. What Good Is Christianity

    2. What Agnostics Want PDF

    3. Agnostics Assessment

    4. Atheism & Agnostics | Brett Kunkle

    1. Discuss With Disqus

    2. More Resources

    3. What Agnostics Want IM Certificate

About this course

  • $5.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

IM Value Course

Take advantage of this course & then consider joining Dr. Gillham in defining an agnostic. This is a practical & personal perspective of one of the cultural deficiencies of our society today!