Equipping Millennials

Motivating A Fragmented Generation

Simon Sinek is one of the world's leading motivational teachers in the workplace & their people. In this course, he appears as a guest speaker detailing two of his more popular topics - Millennials In The Workplace and First Why And Then Trust. Also in this course, Dr. Phinney presents 7-Chapters, 14 lectures, on the history, statistics & Biblical values regarding the Millennial Generation. This is an IM Flagship Course!

Equipping Millennials Course Curriculum

Rising Above A Fragmented Generation

    1. Millennial Jesus Lecture

    2. Stealing The Show Lecture (A)

    3. Stealing The Show (B)

    4. Millennials & Suicide Lecture (A)

    5. Millennials & Suicide Lecture (B)

    6. Millennial Suicide Assessment

    1. Inviting Millennials Video

    2. Jesus Is A Democrate Lecture (A)

    3. Jesus Is A Democrate Lecture (B)

    4. Millennials & Politics Assessment

    1. Shifting Culture Video

    2. Millennial Jesus Lies (A)

    3. Millennial Jesus Lies (B)

    4. Millennials Lie Assessment

    1. Reject Father Figures Lecture (A)

    2. Reject Father Figures Lecture (B)

    3. The Heavenly Father (A)

    4. The Heavenly Father (B)

    5. Father Figure Assessment

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

IM Value Course

The "market-value" of this course is $220. You might want to consider enrollment during our discounted price period. One of the hottest topics today - "The Millennial Generation."