Equipping A Fragmented Generation
Motivating A Fragmented Generation
Rising Above A Fragmented Generation
Millennial Jesus Lecture
Stealing The Show Lecture (A)
Stealing The Show (B)
Millennials & Suicide Lecture (A)
Millennials & Suicide Lecture (B)
Millennial Suicide Assessment
Inviting Millennials Video
FREE PREVIEWJesus Is A Democrate Lecture (A)
Jesus Is A Democrate Lecture (B)
Millennials & Politics Assessment
Shifting Culture Video
FREE PREVIEWMillennial Jesus Lies (A)
Millennial Jesus Lies (B)
Millennials Lie Assessment
Reject Father Figures Lecture (A)
Reject Father Figures Lecture (B)
The Heavenly Father (A)
The Heavenly Father (B)
Father Figure Assessment
The "market-value" of this course is $220. You might want to consider enrollment during our discounted price period. One of the hottest topics today - "The Millennial Generation."
Regular price