IFEL Graduate Benefits

Here is what you get out of the deal.

Course Overview: This course will provide the final graduating requirements of the Level Two Learning Track, which will include testing, essay publication, leadership analysis & much more. After the student is approved, each will be invited into the IFEL Network as a qualified global partner and leader. Graduates will be ordained & licensed to be official representatives of the International Fellowship of Exchanged Life - a level of leadership the Institute does not take lightly.

IFEL Graduate Benefits Course Curriculum

Here Is What You Get Out Of The Deal

    1. IM Graduate Benefits

    1. Student Walkthrough

    2. Beacons of Christ

    3. Pre-course Assessment

    1. The Why | Coming Soon

    2. The What | Exchanged Life Workers

    1. More IM Resources

About this course

  • Free
  • 7 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

The benefits a graduate receives is more than we can state in this mini-course. This short course will give you an overview of some of the "goodies" our graduates will obtain.

Graduate Benefits & Beyond

Discover How You Can Impact The World