Generational Ethics Broadcast

Christ-as-Life Worldview

  • IM Worldview

    This broadcast show is designed to provide the learner with an experience that centers upon the integration process of a strong Christ as a Life worldview when it comes to the topic of generational ethics.?

  • Straight Talk

    Sit down, grab a cup of coffee & enjoy a 15 min. broadcast shows that tunes-up your Biblical worldview. Each show addresses cultural issues and how they affect the Post-Truth Church. This is straight to the heart broadcast.

  • Thumbs Up

    We need your "thumbs-up" before we market this radio show nationally & internationally. We hate to admit this, but programs like this are based on listener choice & popular demand. Check it out and vote!

Generational Ethics Broadcast

Equipping Through The Mind of Christ

This broadcast show is designed to provide the learner with an experience that centers upon the integration process of strong Christ as Life worldview when it comes to the topic of generational ethics. The indwelt Christian will become more established and pronounced in their indwelling Christian faith and become acutely aware of their present culture and how it wars against the Word of God, as well as the present the need of housing Jesus Christ within each listener.

Generational Ethics Course Curriculum

Equipping The Body Of Christ In A Biblical Worldview

    1. Note From The Host

    2. IM Institute Worldview

    3. Intellectual Rights

    1. GE Promotional Video

    2. Ethics Quiz

    1. The Pilot Show

    2. Defining Ethics

    3. Chaotic Ethics

    4. Z-Ethics

    5. 3-Worldviews

    6. Pluralism Defined

    7. Motives of Pluralism

    8. Screenagers

    9. Christ's Worldview

    10. Holy Spirit's Ethics

    1. Become The Change Video

    2. Check Out GE Resources

    3. Final Course Assessment

    4. Evaluate Generational Ethics

    5. Generational Ethic Certificate

About this course

  • $10.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Value Course

This broadcast show is designed to provide the learner with an experience that centers upon the integration process of strong Christ as Life worldview when it comes to the topic of generational ethics.