Note From Jennifer

Shortly before Jennifer passed, she shared a powerful statement of support of the IM Institute & School.

I was so pleased to discover Identity Matters Worldview Institute. As a long-time devotee of Charles R Solomon, I was immediately drawn to the content. Handbook to Happiness was one of the books that shaped my understanding from the outset of my ministry. I am honored to have my teaching ministry associated with such a theologically deep, Scripturally sound venture. I believe with all my heart that when the body of Christ gets hold of their identity in Christ, everything changes. It has been so in my own life, and I have seen it worked out in thousands of lives. Nothing could please me more than to be part of this team. - Jennifer

On Minute With Jennifer #1

One minute video media bites.

Welcome to the IM Institute course, The Praying Life, One Minute with Jennifer! This is a mini-course with 10 powerful one-minute segments revealing the key principles of a praying life. Join Jennifer in exploring prayer through the indwelling Life of Christ. Start listening.

One Minute With Jennifer Course Curriculum

Listen Today & Be Blown Away

    1. IM Worldview Institute

    2. Intellectual Rights

    3. How To Use The Course Player

    4. Jennifer Kennedy Dean Bio

    5. Time to Donate

    1. Prayers Illustrated

    2. Before You Listen

    3. Intro Survey

    1. Praying Life vs. A Prayer Life

    2. Praying Life Assessment (1)

    3. Becoming Prayer Technicians

    4. Praying Life Assessment (2)

    5. Keep Step With The Spirit

    6. Praying Life Assessment (3)

    7. God Gives You The Desire To Pray

    8. Praying Life Assessment (4)

    9. Blood of Christ

    10. Question...

    11. Loving Law Giver

    12. Loving Law Giver

    13. Praying Life Assessment (5)

    14. Testing Of Your Faith

    15. Praying Life Assessment (6)

    16. Spiritual Digestive System

    17. Praying Life Assessment (7)

    18. Praying On Our Terms

    19. Praying Life Assessment (8)

    20. Taste And See

    21. Praying Life Assessment (9)

    1. Mission Minded

    2. Blood Of Christ

    3. More Resources

    4. Before you go...

    5. Praying Life Minute IM Certificate PDF

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

It is our honor to continue Jennifer Kennedy Dean's legacy! Take time to explore her power-packed course-work - ten key principles of the Praying Life.

A Legacy Continues

Embrace A Praying Life | Get Started Today