Meet Randy Alcorn

A Man With Eternal Perspective

Before starting EPM in 1990, Randy served as a pastor for fourteen years. He has a Bachelor of Theology and Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Multnomah University and an Honorary Doctorate from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. He has taught on the adjunct faculties of both. Randy enjoys hanging out with his family, biking, underwater photography, research, listening to audiobooks, and reading.

Eternal Perspective

Author Of | Heaven

A New York Times bestselling author, Randy has written over fifty books, including Happiness, Heaven, The Treasure Principle, and the Gold Medallion winner Safely Home. His books have been translated into over seventy languages and have sold over ten million copies. Randy has written for many magazines including EPM’s issues-oriented Eternal Perspectives as well as for The Gospel Coalition and Desiring God Ministries. He blogs, is active daily on Facebook and Twitter, and has been a guest on more than 700 radio, television and online programs including Focus on the Family, FamilyLife Today, and Revive Our Hearts. Enjoy his online course, hosting 28 lessons.

Eternal Perspective Course Curriculum

Holy Envision Of Heaven

    1. Intellectual Rights

    2. Course Syllabus & Instructions

    1. How To Use A Portal Course

    2. Live For The Line

    3. How EPM Began

    4. 25-Years of Faithfulness

    1. Holy Sexuality

    2. Holy Assessment

    3. Envision Heaven

    4. Heavenly Assessment

    5. Help Our Wives

    6. Helping Wives Assessment

    7. Social Media Warning

    8. Social Media Assessment

    9. Demons & The Believer

    10. Dealing With Demonic Assessment

    11. Sexual Sin | Stupid

    12. Immorality Assessment

    13. Bible & Culture

    14. Bible & Culture Assessment

    15. Our Suffering

    16. Suffering Assessment

    1. My Newest Book

    2. Checkout EPM Home Site

    3. More IM Resources

    4. Eternal Perspective V1 IM Certificate

About this course

  • Free
  • 26 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

We are honored to provide Randy's course to our IM Students, FREE of charge. Randy's ability to communicate the complex doctrines of God in a simple way, is a gift from God.

Lessons From Randy Alcorn

We Particularly Like His Message On Suffering