Dealing With The Demonic

The Spiritual Realm Of The Dark Elements

One of the great and indwelling doctrines of the Christ-Life is the belief in ONE God. In James 2:19, Jesus’ half-brother seems to have selected one primary doctrine of eternal significance, the belief of which would - if embraced, could - save the soul; and show evidence of FAITH in Christ, it would lock-in true salvation – the indwelling Life of Christ. James selects, therefore, the great fundamental doctrine of Jesus’s faith in His Father, the doctrine of the existence of His father’s Supreme position of His Father as God. He further clarifies that even the demons believe this basic element of Truth. Learn more about this course...
Dealing With The Demonic

Dealing With The Demonic Course Curriculum

A Topic Indwelt Christians Should Not Fear

IM Value Course

Join the growing list of students who want to discover the art of Spiritual Warfare. This is an excellent course in the basics of a believer dealing with the demonic realm.