Church Growth In Action

Killing Church Growth

It’s not that we want to grow for growth’s sake or that we want to build the largest edifice with the biggest budget. We want to create a life-giving culture that points people to Christ and releases them to share his message of reconciliation with the world. It’s completely natural, however, that churches sometimes internalize and exhibit characteristics that challenge their ability to grow. Our desire isn’t to shame struggling churches! We want to help with the sometimes difficult process of self-evaluation and hopefully point out some fixes that can get them back on track. Learn more ...
Church Growth In Action

Killing Church Growth Course Curriculum

Gain The Check List That Kills Church Growth

  • 1
    • Intellectual Rights Content
    • Student Walk Through
  • 2
    Challenge of Church Growth
    • Be The Church
    • Before we begin...
    • Overarching Struggle
  • 3
    The Big Five
    • Church Fears
    • #1 Lack of Investment
    • #2 No Target
    • #3 No Strategy
    • #4 No Generosity
    • #5 Digitally Connected
  • 4
    Next Steps...
    • Giving Video
    • Get Your Own Copy of 5-Bad Habits
    • Learn About e-Church
    • Learn About Sermon Central

IM Gift to Students

Enjoy this simple, but profound, course on the 5 Bad Habits that Kill Church Growth.

Who Is Killing Your Church Growth?

Check Out The Five Biggies

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