Ministry Leadership

Ministry Leadership Requires Special Skills

Course Overview: Believe it or not, leading workers within churches & ministries is a different experience than in the secular community. Why? Most of them are unpaid. Experienced leaders have found it is difficult to lead a volunteer work force. We hate to admit it but, unpaid workers tend to be resistant to quality leadership, resulting in a significant challenge for intentional leaders. This course is designed to help overcome such challenges.

Ministry Leadership Course Curriculum

Learn The "How To" In Leading A Ministry

    1. Ministry Leadership

    1. Student Walkthrough

    2. I Will Lead If...

    3. Pre-course Assessment

    1. The Why | 18 Leadership Traits

    2. The What | Ministry Leadership

    1. Lesson #1 | Coming Soon

    1. More IM Resources

    2. Before you go...

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

If you are a ministry leader, you know the difference in leading a business vs. a ministry. This overview introduces our flagship course on leadership for ministry leaders. Review it today.

Leading A Ministry Is Like Guiding Sheep

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