Jack The Journey Children's Stories

Adventures In Traveling To The City of Zion


    A young man's journey into the indwelling Life of Christ. Walk with Jack along the "Gold Brick Road" as he discovers his identity in Christ.


    Learn with Jack, as he battles the forces of the Dark Forest. When Jack steps off the Gold Brick Road, he faces the creatures of the underworld.


    As long as Jack stays on the Gold Brick Road he is safe, BUT when he steps off the road, he faces the dark elements of his fleshly desires & fears.

Jack The Journey Story Time

Adventures To The Indwelling Life

Join Jack in his adventures into the indwelling Life of the Lion of Judah! Dr. Phinney has been telling "Jack Stories" for now over two generations. Now available in a children's podcast format - with ambitions of written storybooks and an animation series.

Jack The Journey Course Curriculum

Walk With Jack On The Gold Brick Road

    1. #11 The Lamb Speaks

    2. #12 The Serpent Appears

    3. #13 The Battle Of The Giant

    4. #14 Jack Embraces The Cross

    5. #15 The Power of The Cross

    6. #16 The Dark Snake

    7. #17 The Deeper Life

    8. #18 The War Of The Ants

    9. #19 Jack Forgets Identity

    10. #20 Crucified With The Lamb

    1. #21 Gold Brick Road Replica

    2. #22 Tree of Knowledge Speaks

    3. #23 War With Dark

    4. #24 Unnecessary Wars

    5. #25 Angel Michael Speaks

    6. #26 The Touch of Michael

    7. #27 Preparing For Battle

    8. #28 The Dark Battle

    9. #29 Resisting Fear

    10. #30 The Empowerment

    1. #31 Flabby Flesh Arrives

    2. #32 Deceptions Of The Flesh

    3. #33 Flabby Flesh Defeated

    4. #34 The Victor's Crown

    5. #35 The Revelation Map

    6. #36 Learning To Pray

    7. #37 Jack's Vision

    8. #38 Jack Called Prophet

    9. #39 Sword Of Truth

    10. #40 Jack's Breastplate

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 136 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Value Course

Your $20 donation will help reduce the cost of producing the ongoing production of Jack the Journey - the most costly media production of Identity Matters Studios! Plus, think of the adventure you can be a part of. Don't forget to recruit some children to listen with you.