Identity Matters Overview

Discovering Who You Are In Christ

Identity Matters Overview is an introductory course of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the Exchanged Life or the Abiding Life in Christ. This course is an overview of the full Identity Matters Conference.

IM Overview Course Curriculum

12-Power-Packed Principles of The Abiding Life

    1. IM Worldview Institute

    2. Why This Course Video

    3. Intellectual Rights

    4. Pre-course Assessment

    5. Time to Donate

    1. Preview of the IM Syllabus

    2. IM Course Instructions

    3. Course Workbook Preview PDF

    4. Story Of Hudson Taylor

    5. Introductory Lecture

    6. Submit Summary Statement

    1. Christ In You Overview Video

    2. Discipleship In The Making Preview PDF

    3. Discipleship In The Making Lecture

    4. Discipleship Assessment

    1. Playing God Video Overview

    2. Playing God Preview PDF

    3. Playing God Assessment

    1. Rejection Overview Video

    2. Rejection Preview PDF

    3. Rejection Syndrome Assessment

    1. External/Internal Overview Video

    2. External/Internal Preview PDF

    3. External/Internal Assessment

About this course

  • Free
  • 57 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

IM Gift to Students

The IM Institute considers this overview course to be one of the more important courses to attend. The Identity Matters truths are at the core of what we do.