Generation Z Gone Wild

Leading Addictions In The Digital Age

Relationships replace Absolute Truth. This means the Z'ers will choose friendship over monotheistic doctrines of the traditional church – the belief that there is only one God. This deluded ideology has become the greatest threat to the foundational doctrines of the Old & New Testaments – traditional Generational Ethics. This course addresses the problem!

Generation Z Gone Wild Course Curriculum

The Generation of Pluralistic Beliefs

    1. Intellectual Rights

    2. Gen-Z Gone Wild Syllabus

    1. Quiz | Expectations

    1. Introductory Lecture

    1. Thank You Impact 360

    2. Z-Technology Lecture

    3. Z-2 Assessment

    1. What Z's Should Believe Video

    2. Z-Motives Lecture

    3. Z-3 Assessment

    1. Z-Faith & Worldview Lecture

    2. Atheistic Worldview Lecture

About this course

  • $15.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

IM Value Course

This "flagship" course is riddled with profound facts, statistics & Biblical doctrines surrounding Generation Z.