IM Flagship Course

Advancing Life From Within

Knowing that Jesus Christ lives within you is one thing, but, embracing the practical steps in how to release Him is another. This course reveals those steps. This course not only provides practical steps toward freedom, but it also offers tools and resources to "give your worldview away" - disciple others.
IM Flagship Course

IM Conference Course Curriculum

Giving The Abiding Life To Others

  • 1
    Welcome | IM Spiritual Worldview
    • IM Full Course Overview
    • Intellectual Rights
    • Pre-course Assessment
    • Time to Donate
  • 2
    Before We Get Started
    • IM Spiritual Worldview Sallybus
    • IM Course Instructions
    • CLW100 Course Workbook
    • Story Of Hudson Taylor
    • IM Core Worldview Lecture
    • Module Exam
    • Submit Summary Statement
  • 3
    Introduction | Discipleship In The Making
    • Compassion in Christ Video
    • Discipleship In The Making PowerPoint
    • Discipleship In The Making Lecture
    • Discipleship In The Making Exam
  • 4
    Lesson #1 | Playing God (Godship)
    • Playing God Video Overview
    • Playing God PowerPoint PDF
    • Playing God Lecture
    • Godship Exam
  • 5
    Lesson #2: Rejection Syndrome
    • Rejection Overview Video
    • Rejection PowerPoint PDF
    • Rejection Syndrome Lecture
    • Rejection Exam
  • 6
    Lesson #3: External vs. Internal
    • External/Internal Overview Video
    • External/Internal PowerPoint PDF
    • Internal/External Lecture
    • External Exam
  • 7
    Lesson #4: Why All The Problems
    • Probems Overview Video
    • Problems PowerPoint PDF
    • Problems Lecture
    • Problems Exam
  • 8
    Lesson #5: My Flesh
    • Flesh Overview Video
    • Flesh Message PowerPoint PDF
    • My Flesh Lecture
    • Flesh Exam
  • 9
    Lesson #6: Repentance
    • Repentance Overview Video
    • Repentance PowerPoint PDF
    • Repentance Lecture
    • Repentance Exam
  • 10
    Lesson #7: Identity Matters
    • Identity Matters Overview Video
    • Identity Matters PowerPoint PDF
    • Identity Matters Lecture
    • Identity Exam
  • 11
    Lesson #8: Righteousness In Christ
    • Righteousness Video Overview
    • Righteousness PowerPoint PDF
    • Righteousness Lecture
    • Righteousness Exam
  • 12
    Lesson #9: Extending Forgiveness
    • Extending Forgiveness Overview Video
    • Extending Forgiveness PowerPoint PDF
    • Extending Forgiveness Lecture
    • Extending Forgiveness Exam
  • 13
    Lesson #10: Seeking Forgiveness
    • Seeking Forgiveness Overview Video
    • Seeking Forgiveness PowerPoint PDF
    • Seeking Forgiveness Lecture
    • Seeking Forgiveness Exam
  • 14
    Lesson #11: Resting In Christ
    • Resting In Christ Overview Video
    • Resting In Christ PowerPoint PDF
    • Resting In Christ Lecture
    • Resting In Christ Exam
  • 15
    Lesson #12: Love Life
    • Love Life Overview Video
    • Love Life PowerPoint PDF
    • Love Life Lecture
    • Love Life Exam
  • 16
    IM Next Step
    • Suggested Next Course & Resources
    • Your Final Survey
    • Questions For The Instructor
    • Final Course Assessment
    • Honor System
    • Obtain Your IM Certificate

IM Value Course

This flagship course is at the core of the Identity Matters Worldview Institute. It is not only our most attended course, it reveals the beliefs that sustain the foundation of our ministry.

Nehemiah | The Man & The Ledgend

Explore the leadership of Nehemiah and those who followed him.

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You Will Learn:

I am excited that you have decided to go through the Identity Matters Study. Out of all the resources our ministry provides, this workbook, its videos, and audio messages are the leading downloaded and printed materials we have produced to date. IOM America was founded on the doctrines revealed in this series. If you, or others you know, struggle with identity in Christ - this resource is ideal for the believer to grow in their identity in Jesus Christ. DR. STEPHEN PHINNEY

  • Discover the fleshly patterns that block an authentic believer from experiencing victory.

  • Discover the power of the indwelling Life of Jesus Christ, and your new identity in Him.

  • Discover the love and compassion that is released in a believer filled with the Holy Spirit.