REV 103 | History Of The Writings of Revelation

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches…

 (Revelation 1:3)

The writings reveal events that will occur before, during, and after the Church (Bride) is removed, or raptured, from the earth.  In chapter four through the end of the book, events will occur in which the Bride is not to be part, nor even watch.  At this point in the timeline,  the Bride of Christ is being called out to separate themselves from a depraved world.

Presenters: Dr. Joseph Stowell, Dennis Prager, Paul Kengor & Dr. Stephen Phinney. 

History Of The Writings

The Seven Churches of Revelation

[60 Min.] The book was written at a time when the Christian Church was undergoing persecution and difficulty. The leaders in reign during his time were Nero (AD 37-68) and Domitian (AD 51-96). It needs to be noted, the organic languages are based on the assignment of a numerical value to letters. The identification number of the Beast in the Apocalypse is 666; Nero’s numeric value also calculates to 666. I will discuss more the numeric values of names in future chapters. But this gives an understanding of the historical and spiritual importance of this time writing.

Course curriculum


    2. CAL Political Series

    3. IM Worldview Institute

    4. Mini-Course Instructions

    5. Time to Donate

    1. CAL Series Overview

    2. How to Maximize This Course

    3. History Introduction Assessment

    1. Hate Israel Video

    2. Hate Israel Assessment

    1. Overall History Lecture

    2. REV 102 PDF

    3. History Lecture Assessment

    1. Karl Marx Video

    2. Does God Exist? Assessment

    1. Thank You For Attending

    2. Socialist Play God Course

    3. More CAL Political Series Options

    4. All Course Options

    5. Final Assessment

    6. REV 103 Certificate

About this course

  • $7.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Donation-Based Course

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