REV 104 | Three Phases of The Book

“Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.”

 (Revelation 1:19)

The supernatural visions noted in the book of Revelation were seen by John, referred to as the beloved disciple of Christ, on the island of Patmos, which was written about AD 96. This book has three primary divisions or categorical phases.  The three are established in the first chapter, verse 19. 

Presenters: Dr. Joseph Stowell, Steven Roberts & Dr. Stephen Phinney. 

Three Phases

Revealing the Seven Lampstands

[60 Min.] The things that John has seen are noted in verses 10-18. Christ, amid the seven golden candlesticks, is the main theme of these verses and is past tense. The things which are, take place in chapters two and three. This period is dated from the day of Pentecost to the Rapture and is stated in the Greek text as present tense. This is the Age of Dispensation that we are living in today.
Three Phases

Course curriculum

  • 1
    Instructions & Overview
    • CAL Political Series
    • IM Worldview Institute
    • Mini-Course Instructions
    • Time to Donate
  • 2
    Welcome | Revelation 104
    • CAL Series Overview
    • How to Maximize This Course
    • State of Reunion Address
    • History Introduction Assessment
  • 3
    Napoleon Bonaparte
    • The Real Story Video
    • Napoleon Assessment
  • 4
    Revelation 104
    • Three Phases Lecture
    • Three Phases Assessment
  • 5
    Democratic Socialism
    • Democratic Socialism Video
    • Democratic Assessment
  • 6
    Next Steps...
    • Thank You For Attending
    • More CAL Political Series Options
    • Revelation Series 101
    • All Course Options
    • Final Assessment
    • REV 104 Certificate

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