Trinity of Warfare

  • Shielding The Heart

    Learning the 'Art of Spiritual Warfare' secures the indwelt Christian's ability to guard & shield the heart. The course will build a more confident believer.

  • Keys To Victory

    Detailing 30 key points of deliverance. Each key offers practical applications that aid in the battle against evil forces - putting Satan in his place.

  • Standing Against Lies

    Pinning the enemy down before he has a chance to pin the believer down. Learn to stand against the lies of Satan & his demonic schemes.

Art of Spiritual Warfare

Instructor | Dr. Stephen Phinney

The subject of aggressive spiritual warfare against the world, the flesh, and the devil is becoming increasingly important. We live in a degrading society that makes fleshly things more accessible than ever before. It is time to put the enemy in his place. This course will assist in accomplishing this feat.


  • Why should I consider a course focusing on darkness?

    Our focus is not "darkness." This course centers around the Life and Light of the indwelling power of Jesus Christ.

  • Is this a "demon behind every bush" type of course?

    Not at all! Infact, the instructor teachings against such ideologies.

  • What exactly will I benefit from attending this course?

    The instructor calls them "The Big Five" - Strengthens Indwelling Faith, Promotes Vigilance in Christ, Encourages Dependence on His indwelling Life, Builds an Active Prayer Life, and Fosters Freedom. If you are like most who attend this course, you will walk away with the ability to effectively stand against the schemes of the enemy, while embracing the victory that is already won through Christ Jesus.

Course ASW777 Curriculum

    1. Introduction to Warfare

    2. Introduction Survey

    1. Introduction Video

    2. People of War

    3. Survey | People of War

    1. Introduction Video

    2. Points of Deliverance 1-5

    3. Crucified Into The Believer

    4. Survey | Deliverance 1-5

    1. Introduction Video

    2. Points of Deliverance 6-10

    3. God Whispers | Dr. David Jeremiah

    4. Survey | Deliverance 6-10

    1. Introduction Video

    2. Points of Deliverance 11-15

    3. Prepare Yourself | Jack Hibbs

    4. Survey | Deliverance 11-15

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 35 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Course Pricing

This course was rated at $75. We are blessed to offer it to our students at the listed price.