ABIDING | Falling Short of Grace

Stop. Look around. Ask yourself the question, “Why are there so many “grace of God” people void of the authentic reality of Grace?” 

Hebrews 12:15 is one of the more troubling verses in the New Testament. At least for those of us who struggle with a root of bitterness. By reviewing this passage through the organic Greek, we find the authenticity of this message even more disheartening. As a resident (homespun) theologian, I typically throw this passage under the bus through a crafty overstatement of, “Grace applies to all.” If it does, Paul was misinformed. In fact, he was teaching us false doctrines. If we were to write this passage accurately according to the Greek, it would read, “See to it that no one comes short of the favor of God.” Wait. I thought that Grace was free and the love & favor of Christ is everlasting, unchangeable, and from a source where there is no separation. Isn’t it true that the Grace of God is implanted in the heart during indwelling regeneration, which is incorruptible, never failing, but always remains? Is it possible that a man, woman, or child can receive this in vain? 

Presenters: Dennis Prager & Dr. Stephen Phinney. 

Falling Short of Grace

[60 Min.] The grace Paul is speaking of here does not mean the grace of God in regeneration, which prompts an effectual calling, which can never be received in vain. Authentic Grace of God never fails in producing a thorough work of conversion; nor is it ever lost, but is strictly connected to His now indwelling Life. Now, there is a kind of grace that can be received in vain by ministers and people, when it is but in theory alone, or should I say in words while the hand/heart is empty.

Course curriculum

    1. ABIDE | Falling Short of Grace

    2. CAL Abiding Life Series

    3. IM Worldview Institute

    4. Mini-Course Instructions

    5. Time to Donate

    1. CAL Series Overview

    2. How to Maximize This Course

    3. iGen-Z Falling Short

    4. Falling Short Intro Assessment

    1. No God Video

    2. Murder Assessment

    1. Falling Short Lecture

    2. Falling Short Assessment

    1. I Am The Lord Video

    2. Lord Your God Assessment

    1. Thank You For Attending

    2. More CAL Abiding Series Options

    3. All Course Options

    4. Final Assessment

    5. Falling Short Certificate

About this course

  • Free
  • 20 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Donation-Based Course

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