Abiding Life In Christ Series

The abbreviation, CAL, equates Christ-as-Life. Abiding Life is the descriptive Jesus used in defining a believer's position in Him. The Abiding Life Series is host to course work that assists the indwelt Christian in their abiding in Christ.  There is a massive difference between “gracialistic” and Grace Life. Gracialistic individuals make use of the ideologies OF grace while disregarding the person of Grace – the indwelling Jesus. On the other hand, people OF Grace release the Life of Christ from within. This series is designed to assist in this Truth.  

Falling Short of Grace

The primary evidence that demands a verdict regarding bitterness IS un-forgiveness. Forgiveness releases a guilty person while working to restore the relationship. When an individual uses silence, separation or avoidance to cope – a verdict of a root of bitterness is soon to sprout. [1-Hour Course]

Abiding Life Full Course

God is eternal Life, Spirit, Love, and Grace. This is who He was, and is before He created the foundation of the earth. In the beginning, there was Grace and Grace abundantly. His nature is forever past, present and future. This course reveals such details, challenges & solutions. [10-Hour Course]

Christ At Work In You

The superficiality of our culture has permeated the mind-set of the Western church. The “cheap grace”1 that Bonhoeffer warned about has fostered an “easy- believism” that has allowed a superficial assent to Christianity that requires no real change or sacrifice. Christ at Work in You is a whole new way of living. Learn more. [12-Hour Course]

Abiding Spiritual Gifts

It is my desire for each person that goes through this course to discover the experience of the fullness of His gifting within the believer. It is the responsibility of your church leadership to help you discover your gifting [8-Hour Course]

Identity Matters Overview

Identity Matters Overview is an introductory course of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the Exchanged Life or the Abiding Life in Christ. This course is an overview of the full Identity Matters Conference.[3-Hour Course]

The New Life Course

While Murray's book is specifically designed for young converts, the text is useful to all Christians. Murray's chapters cover a variety of different topics that Christians, particularly those new to the faith, will find remarkably helpful. Murray discusses how Christians should approach the tasks of missionary work, prayer, confession, and baptism. [8-Hours Course]

Identity Matters Full Course

Knowing that Jesus Christ lives within you is one thing, but, embracing the practical steps in how to release Him is another. This course reveals those steps. This course not only provides practical steps toward freedom, but it also offers tools and resources to "give your worldview away" - disciple others. [14-Hour Course]

7-Areas of Life Course

Increasingly, we find discipling to be perhaps the most important aspect of the normal Christian life! It is reinforcing, establishing, and building that which ensures permanent changes in the life of all true born-again believers. If discipleship is like the world’s form of psychological counseling, it would only focus on “problem-solving,” which has no transformational multiplying factors. [14-Hour Course]

Abiding Life Terms Course

A believer is to know Jesus as Savior and Lord in “thought.” But he is also to have experiential knowledge of embracing Christ’s life within, which will give the believer the source of all wisdom, knowledge, and manifestations of the works of God. This reality must include a rich understanding of the Bible's terms & definitions. Each believer must be willing to grow in that Truth! [4-Hour Course]