Course Work on the cultural issues of our day.
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling.” (Matthew 23:37)
God DIDN’T create Adam & Eve as “shems.” He created them distinctively different. They look different. They are physiologically different – differing biology, hormones, as well as being psychologically wired uniquely. This is where we get the common sense understanding of both having different needs.
Here is the irony. If you read the above descriptive to your great grandparents, they might think you’ve lost your mind – both wondering why you are just now discovering these elementary principles. BUT…if you read the same statement to a graduate student of Sociology or Anthropology from the University of Mindless Discoveries, they’d tell you, “You are wrong.” They would bore you with discoveries of modern science. Claiming, men and women are basically the same. They would tout that their science proves that sexuality exists on a spectrum, and it is determined by “internal feelings.” Sorry, grandma & grandpa, you had it all wrong. You’ve been delusional. Learn more.
Presenters: Dennis Prager & Dr. Stephen Phinney.
IM Worldview Institute
Culture | God Is A She
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