CLW213-B Series | Jennifer Kennedy Dean
One Minute With Jennifer, by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, is a mini-course that reveals the highlights of a Praying Life. This course can be completed within 2 hours.
CLW200 Series | Altar'd | Jennifer Kennedy Dean
Through careful exposition and biblical teaching, celebrated author and prayer expert Jennifer Kennedy Dean guides readers on a 40-day exploration of the Scriptures and what it means to truly live a life dead to flesh and alive to the spirit.
CLW217 | Men & Warfare
As men, you probably understand the importance of having a toolbox equipped with the exact tools you need to accomplish the task you have set out to do. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to do some project around the home and...
CLW113 | Christ At Work In You
The Spirit of Christ is often working in these individuals causing them to hunger and thirst for the fullness of what He wants to be and do in their lives. Lean more...
CLW100-A | Andrew Murray
In speaking with young converts, I have very frequently longed for a suitable book in which the most important truths concerning the new life were presented briefly and simply. I could not find anything that entirely corresponded to what I desired.
CLW101-C | Identity Theft Intro Course
The devil seeks to steal our reflection of the indwelling Christ. Satan is the original Identify Thief who would like nothing more than to corrupt the image of God in you, drain your soul (mind, will & emotions), and therefore, derail your ability t