IM Annual Membership
Open The Door To All Posted Courses
Open The Door To All Posted Courses
One Donation, All Free!
All Free for One Donation
Presently we have 800+ enrollments. We have been open as a school since the summer of 2018. Our Institute is sustained by student donations. Our school advisors have recommended that our school move in the direction of annual fees to keep our services active. We will continue to provide FREE courses, but all pay-per-course venues will save a bundle under the membership structure. However, we will continue to provide individual course purchases. All financial hardship students will have personal donors assigned to their accounts.
Our annual budget is $173,658. We keep things minimal - bear bones. Our budget includes staff salaries, office costs, marketing costs, online design & content development, media productions, software fees, online subscriptions, and equipment servicing. We have mastered the art of "big-ministry" on a shoe-string budget. Meaning, we will strategically use your donor dollar prayerfully.
You will receive full access to all course work. This is a $2,000+ value .
You will have access to all newly posted courses. By 2021, this will be an additional $1,500 value.
You will receive the full benefits of the Chancellor's Club. This is a value of limitless resources.
Seventy + Courses Available
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THE END TIMES | THE BREWING STORM: This course will reveal a well-balanced Biblical view of the End Times. Discover & review twenty+ chapters detailing the primary themes of the End Times through videos & printed content from Dr. Phinney's book.
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The Art of Spiritual Warfare - ASW777. Refine your spiritual warfare abilities. ASW offers a step-by-step solution to dealing with demonic attacks from the world, flesh, and the devil. Professor & author, Dr. Stephen Phinney, is your teacher.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
The book of Revelation is not a book of prophecy, even though it contains prophecies. It is primarily prophecy being fulfilled. There are more elements of fulfilled prophecy in this one book than in any other book of the Bible (Matt. 16:16-17).
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
"2020 Revelation Series, The Seven Churches." Who was the book of Revelation addressed to, and why? What does this book have to do with our present culture? Do the Seven Churches exits today? This online lesson attempts to answer these questions...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
This is course #4 of the 2020 Revelation Series. Your teachers are Dr. Stephen R. Phinney, Chancellor & Founder of the Identity Matters Worldview Institute & Dr. Joseph Stowell, President of Cornerstone Univesity.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
"2020 Revelation Series, History of The Writings." This course will walk students through the ecological timeline of the book of Revelation, as well as review the history of the writings.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
"REV 105 | The Four Quadrants." This is course #5 of the 2020 Revelation Series. Your teachers are Dr. Stephen R. Phinney, Chancellor Founder of the Identity Matters Worldview Institute & Erik Stakelbeck, The Watchman, Fox Business Network.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
"REV 106 | The Two Views." This is course #6 of the 2020 Revelation Series. Your teachers are Dr. Stephen R. Phinney, Niall Ferguson, by way of PragerU. “Two Views” reveals “Horizontal History” and “Vertical History.”
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
"REV 107 | The Prophets." Revelation connection of the Old Testament characters that setup for the New Testament, and then formally introduce the book of Revelation.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
"Falling Short of Grace." This is an elective course within the IM Online Worldview School. “Falling Short of Grace” reveals the Truth about one of the top trending issues today – “Why do so many fall away from their faith?”
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#IM Identity Matters Productions presents, "God Is A She." Internet trending proves this movement to be alarming. God is a He. This course proves such a proclamation. Jump in & review this profound course. The ending might surprise you!
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IM Productions presents, "Superheroes." A cinematic short-film revealing the dangers of Christians adopting superheroes. Worse yet, people have an unusual draw toward dark demonic imagery. But...then there is Jesus Christ, the real superhero.
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#IM Identity Matters Productions presents, "Boys to Women." This lecture & course work is a part of the IM Online School Culture & Political Series. A mini-course on the trending issue of gender transitioning. Learn more.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
[30 Min] Socialism is a populist economic, religious and political system based on group public ownership of the means of advancing “world-peace.” Those means include the use of methodologies of the church, family, the workplace, and politics...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
When it comes to the ideation of socialism vs. capitalism we typically think within the framing of economic justice. Our Christ-as-Life Political Series will address the top political talking points and cultural trends.
All Courses |, Ministry Portals |
Worldview Academy is a non-denominational organization dedicated to helping Christians to think and to live in accord with a biblical worldview so that they will serve Christ and lead the culture.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Women |
Jane Phinney, the wife of the Chancellor, brings you another volume of lessons on her journey into the indwelling Life of Christ. Each being packed with undressing her heart to the readers.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |
Alex McFarland is a speaker, writer and advocate for Christian apologetics. He serves as director of the Center for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at North Greenville University, a leading Christian college in the United States.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
This course is a IM Mini-Course. Even though it is a short course, it is packed with powerful, life-changing principles and truths. The content clearly reveals the difference between typical "Christian" workers and an Exchanged Life worker.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Leadership |
This course unfolds the step-by-step process of how to build your Identity Matters Worldview Center from the bottom-up. This course can also be used to structure an independent ministry outreach of your choice, as in, establishing your own ministry.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Leadership |
This course is a IM Mini-Course. Even though it is a short course, it is packed with practical lessons unveiling the ideologies, vision & mission of developing a IM Worldview field Center.
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CLW098-A | This course details the ideologies, definitions, methods & philosophies of the Identity Matters Worldview Institute & Online School.
All Courses |, Leadership |
Course Overview: Believe it or not, leading workers within churches & ministries is a different experience than in the secular community. Why? Most of them are unpaid.
All Courses |, Leadership |
This course will provide the basics of integrating each of the seven courses within the Level-One Exchanged Life content & materials development into a local outreach/ministry.
All Courses |, Leadership |
Course Overview: As leaders, you probably understand the importance of having a toolbox equipped with the exact tools you need to accomplish the task you have set out to do.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Family/Child |
This course details the simple methods of applying the truths of the Exchanged Life (Not I, but Christ) to each of the Seven Areas of Life - spiritual, psychological, physical, social, marital, parental & financial.
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This mini-course is "packed with a punch." Universalism: A Demonic Movement Infiltrating The True Church. Universalist are also called Deists, who typically reject most supernatural events (prophecy, miracles) and tend to assert their beliefs.
All Courses |, Leadership |
This course will provide the best kept practice of IOM America & the Identity Matters Worldview Institute - the "Two-by-Two System." A simple system the Founder learned through Dr. Charles Swindoll.
All Courses |, Leadership |
Course Overview: This "Flagship Course" might cover the basics of leadership but it is a full-on premium course - loaded with tons of practical leadership tools and training venues. In fact, this course will be followed by IM Leadership 102, 103...
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
This course unfolds the methods, principles & examples of praying - making use of the sound, Biblical doctrines found in the Word of God.
All Courses |, Leadership |
This course details the best practices in conducting a Grand Opening for your new ministry, and/or, IM Worldview Center.
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This course will provide the final graduating requirements of the Level Two Learning Track, which will include testing, essay publication, leadership analysis & much more. After the student is approved, each will be invited into the IFEL Network.
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CLW326 provides the practical steps of salvation & surrendering the self-life to Christ Jesus. This course helps the student understand the reality that all worldviews, outside of Christ viewing the world through the believer, is simply HUMANISM.
All Courses |, Leadership |, Men |
This course details the top leadership traits in one minute segments. John Maxwell provides one minute videos featuring his best kept leadership secrets.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Ministry Portals |
4-Steps: Franklin serves as president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the international Christian relief and evangelism organization Samaritan’s Purse. He has met privately with five U.S. Presidents as well as world leaders.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |
Some of you who read my blog might not know much about Eternal Perspective Ministries, the nonprofit ministry I founded in 1990, so I thought I’d share...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
This course will provide the facts, fractions & fixes to attempting to disciple the Post-Truth church. The content for this course is a result of a year-long lecture series by Dr. Phinney, which has been transcribed into his latest book
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Women |
Just as blood flows through your physical veins, His life, His blood, flows through your spirit veins. Your physical body is a shadow of your spirit. For your earth body, life is in the blood. For your spirit, life is in the blood.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Women |
One Minute With Jennifer, by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, is a mini-course that reveals the highlights of a Praying Life. This course can be completed within 2 hours.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
IM Discipleship Manual Intro: This an introduction course to the Flagship course Using the IM Workbook/Manual. The full version will be available soon - containing 100+ lessons.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
IM Discipleship Manual: This course unfolds the step-by-step process of how to use the diagrams, and written content, within the Identity Matters Workbook to minister to others.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
Identity Matters Overview is an introductory course of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the "Exchanged Life."
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
This course reveals the details of an effective walk in the Abiding Life in Christ & the effortless flow that happens as long as the branch is abiding in the branch. Thus our focus on the Abiding Life of Jesus Christ.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
This e-learning track delivers the recommended courses to firmly establish the process of developing a global IM Worldview Center.
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This e-learning track delivers the recommended courses for believers to advance their growth & identity in Christ.
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This e-learning track itemizes a list of courses that focus on a Biblical worldview - everything from agnostics to a Christ-as-Life worldview. This track features over 10 worldview teachers.
All Courses |, Leadership |
This e-learning track itemizes a list of courses that focus on a Biblical Christ-as-Life Leadership & the tools to function effectively as a leader.
All Courses |, Leadership |
If you’re looking for a partner to help you create a vibrant culture where leaders care, people flourish, and purpose thrives, then we should talk. Today. You’re my kind of client, and I’m your kind of consultant.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
Identity Matters Terms & Definitions | This course is for the intentional student. It is a theological study on the terms of the Abiding Life in Christ.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |
Greg started out thinking he was too smart to become a Christian and ended up giving his life for the defense of the Christian faith. A central theme of Greg's speaking and writing is that Christianity—if it's properly understood.
All Courses |, Leadership |, Ministry Portals |
When Jesus gave the Church the commission to make disciples, he gave us growth as a metric. Part of the disciple-making process is inspiring people to make more disciples.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
The devil seeks to steal our reflection of the indwelling Christ. Satan is the original Identify Thief who would like nothing more than to corrupt the image of God in you, drain your soul (mind, will & emotions), and therefore, derail your ability t
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Leadership |, Men |
Most of our “Christian” institutions, and churches, no longer teach the True Gospel of Christ indwelling the convert. Rather, they tout a lukewarm theology that leaves the student with a method of madness of "following Christ"...
All Courses |, Family/Child |, Women |
Finally, a children's story you can trust, with the teachings of the believer's identity in Christ. With story teller and animator Dr. Stephen Phinney, you can walk the "Gold Brick Road" with Jack, as he discovers the power of the indwelling Life.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |
Gen-Z’s worldview can be summarized as viewing the world through the assumptive beliefs based on individualized pluralistic beliefs, which evolve from the acceptance of their inclusive culture. We must be ready to disciple this generation!
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
Dr. J. P. Moreland speaks on doubts of Darwinism upon philosophical and scientific grounds. This is one of the clearest deductions of Darwinism & it's reactionary ethics against Christianity.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
The Spirit of Christ is often working in these individuals causing them to hunger and thirst for the fullness of what He wants to be and do in their lives. Lean more...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology
Agnostics are not only misguided, they is arrogant, i.e. if God is not definable by mankind’s scientific method, then God doesn’t exist. By this standard of methodology, even if God could be proven, He wouldn’t be qualified to be God...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |, Ministry Portals |
Summit’s mission is to cultivate rising generations to resolutely champion a biblical worldview. Our programming consists of two-week conferences for 16-25 year olds in four locations across the U.S. We also offer semester-long programs...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |
What happens when a society rejects God’s blueprint? How can we recover a biblical view of what society was intended to be? What part can you and I play as we seek to live out God’s vision for culture? Learn more...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |
Who are these Millennials anyway? You might have heard them referred to as the Hipsters, Generation Y, the Echo Boomers, the Next Generation, the Boomerang Generation, or my favorite, the Peter Pan Generation. Regardless what name is ...
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Leadership |
The Holy Spirit is just as much alive today as He was when the New Testament was written. Before we move forward in exploring the dynamics of our Indwelling Gifts, we need to accept all the work of God through the Holy Spirit in modern times...
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In a culture that is increasingly skeptical of religion and thinks Christianity is all about blind faith, how do we effectively communicate why we think Christianity is true? Impact 360 & IM Institute brings you - Dr. Moreland.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |
The enemy has accommodated the Millennial Generation in forsaking and detaching from father figures; natural, spiritual and ultimately the Heavenly Father – we need to re-establish the original doctrines of God in the Post-Truth culture...
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Cultural/Eschatology
This broadcast show is designed to provide the learner with an experience that centers upon the integration process of a strong Christ as Life worldview when it comes to the topic of generational ethics. Checkout some of the radio shows...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |, Ministry Portals |, Women |, Men |
As an inspiring leader, and in-demand international conference speaker, trainer and coach, Craig has several times been a featured speaker at the annual International Marriage Conference hosted by the National Association of Marriage Enhancement...
All Courses |, Ministry Portals |
As the President of, Frank presents powerful and entertaining evidence for Christianity at churches, high schools and at secular college campuses that often begin hostile to his message. Get to know Cross Examined...
All Courses |, Ministry Portals |
Nearly 1500 Christian leaders have gone through our Colson Fellows Program, a year-long, intensive, “deep dive” into the Christian Worldview. Thousands more attend Colson Center events, including our annual Wilberforce Weekend...
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |
Have you ever wanted to understand the Bible in its original language? Do you feel that a lot is simply missed in translation? This course will enable you to better appreciate the stories of Abraham and Isaac by focusing on how they are told ...
All Courses |, Ministry Portals |, Women |
It is one of our highest honors to present to you Beth Moore's small group study links.
All Courses |, Leadership |
Unlock the transformative power of Christ-as-Life Leadership 2025, an online course designed to equip you with the tools and principles to lead with wisdom, integrity, and a Christ-centered vision. This course offers a comprehensive curriculum.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
In speaking with young converts, I have very frequently longed for a suitable book in which the most important truths concerning the new life were presented briefly and simply. I could not find anything that entirely corresponded to what I desired.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Leadership |
A lukewarm professor is one that gives the appearance of serving God but puts his primary focus on the external documentations OF God – not the indwelling mind of Jesus. This emphasis puts a fork in the road, leaving the student with...
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The IM Institute has produced hundreds of hours of music & media - all focusing on the believer's identity in Christ. Please check this page often, we add new media often. We thank the publishers, designers, producers & musicians who contributed.
All Courses |, Family/Child |
One of the great and indwelling doctrines of the Christ-Life is the belief in ONE God. In James 2:19, Jesus’ half-brother seems to have selected one primary doctrine of eternal significance, the belief of which would - if embraced, could...
All Courses |, Abiding Life |
Identity Matters Full Online Course: An experiential embrace, and an understanding, of the believer’s identification with Christ in His death, burial, resurrection, and ascension - in daily living. This is what we call the Exchanged Life.
All Courses |, Leadership |, Ministry Portals |
Potential, my friend, is one of the most wonderful words in any language. It's optimistic. It's hopeful. It hints at greatness. It's full of possibility. It's inside of you. How do you develop your potential? You grow.
All Courses |, Cultural/Eschatology, Ministry Portals |, Women |
Dig into God’s Word with these video Bible studies that practically connect God’s design for womanhood to your own life! Watch the videos on your own for a personal study, or brew a pot of coffee and gather with some friends.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Women |
Through careful exposition and biblical teaching, celebrated author and prayer expert Jennifer Kennedy Dean guides readers on a 40-day exploration of the Scriptures and what it means to truly live a life dead to flesh and alive to the spirit.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Family/Child |, Women |
Jane Phinney, the wife of the Chancellor, brings you 50 lessons on her journey into the indwelling Life of Christ. Each being packed with undressing her heart to the readers.
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This course is where the journey starts for all IM Students. Instructors Dr. Stephen Phinney & James Manktelow will walk each student through a step-by-step tutorial for our methodology & e-learning secrets to a successful learning experience.
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Cultural/Eschatology, Men |
As men, you probably understand the importance of having a toolbox equipped with the exact tools you need to accomplish the task you have set out to do. There is nothing more frustrating than wanting to do some project around the home and...
All Courses |, Abiding Life |, Cultural/Eschatology, Family/Child |, Women |
"Saving The Children" is a part of the Identity Theft series. This course helps in understanding the methods the enemy uses against our children from birth until salvation.
The IM Annual Bundle is the best deal in the house. Plus, we believe it is important for all students to support their school. Your donations will be used to produce high quality online course work.
Regular price
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Some wish to donate beyond their Annual Membership. Follow the link below. We Welcome All Monthly Donors